
  • Deqa started the question Wall posts disappearing? No likes? in the forum BuddyBoss Wall 8 years ago

    I just bought the plugin and I am having various problems.

    First off, whenever I post on a user’s wall, I refresh it and it is immediately gone. Nothing is there, it only shows “Sorry, there was no activity found. Please try a different filter.” Same thing with newsfeed tab. Activity stream is enabled.

    Also, the “likes” tab shows nothing when I customize my activity loop to show this code:
    $friends = bp_follow_get_following( '&user_id=' . bp_loggedin_user_id() );
    $friends[] = bp_loggedin_user_id();
    $friends_and_me = implode( ',', (array) $friends );
    $friends_and_me = '&user_id=' . $friends_and_me;

    <?php if ( bp_has_activities( bp_ajax_querystring( 'activity' ) . $friends_and_me) ) : ?>

    I use this code because I am using the Buddypress Follows plugin and I need the activity stream to only show the activity of me + following. When I take out the code, the likes tab works fine but the wall and newsfeed still don’t.

    I deactivated all plugins to find a conflict but nothing changes.

    I am developing on a local host so I can’t give access to my website but I hope to still get some help.