
  • Aaron replied to the question add page identifier (body class) for product seller in the forum Social MarketPlace 8 years, 1 month ago

    Hello again… that code worked great. but now i need similar code to add a class to other pages for a specific Vendor on our site…. Let me explain what i need to accomplish…

    This is our MAIN Featured Vendor (which will not change) “Art From Scrap”. And so throughout our site we need to be able to style them differently and also make their Store and Products FIRST Listed.

    Their Vendor Page is here —>
    • We need to Add a Body Class (<body class=”bm-vendor-2″) on that page also. “similar to the code you already provided”… but your code only works on the Products pages. We need to add class to this Vendor throughout the site so we can style them differently.

    • Another example: our testing site home page is here….
    we would like the (Art From Scrap) Vendor to Stay at the top (no matter what the Sort method is “Most Active, Alphabetical, Most Recent”) and also be styled differently as mentioned above
    …..Currently on the home page there are only 2 vendors on our site and both are wrapped in the same Div and Class:
    <article class=”table store-item” style=”opacity: 1;”></article> <— we need this one (Art From Scrap) to have its own Class so we can style it.
    <article class=”table store-item” style=”opacity: 1;”></article>

    Thanks for any Links or help on this.