
  • Johnny replied to the question Woo Product Vendors 2.0 Just Released in the forum OneSocial theme 8 years, 2 months ago

    I am happy with WCVendors in every regard, except one.

    They do not play well with Shipping Plugins that integrate with Australia Post/UPS/FedEx APIs to auto calculate shipping on checkout.

    Yes, there is complexity with shipping fees with any multi vendor marketplace, but the above plugin can calc shipping fees via external Apis per product.

    I haven’t found any vendors that are happy with table rate shipping. They all want to auto charge their buyers the appropriate postage fees, which can easily range from $5 to $50, dependent on distance parcel will travel, volume, height, width, weight.

    Simply saying all shipping from all vendors to anywhere on the planet will be $10 is not good enough.

    I have raised the issue with WCVendors too.

    I just want to know is this theme ‘locked’ into WCVendors, or is the Woo plugin also supportable in a limited fashion.

