
  • HansRuedi replied to the question Login Redirect to Buddypress Profile in the forum Boss. theme 8 years, 2 months ago

    add_filter( 'bp_login_redirect', 'bpdev_redirect_to_profile', 11, 3 );

    function bpdev_redirect_to_profile( $redirect_to_calculated, $redirect_url_specified, $user ){

    if( empty( $redirect_to_calculated ) )
    $redirect_to_calculated = admin_url();

    //if the user is not site admin,redirect to his/her profile

    if( isset( $user->ID) && ! is_super_admin( $user->ID ) )
    return bp_core_get_user_domain( $user->ID );
    return $redirect_to_calculated; /*if site admin or not logged in, do not do anything*/
