
  • Anthony started the question Translation issues in the forum Social Learner 8 years, 3 months ago

    I’m trying to change titles for various different reasons. (‘Course’ to ‘simulation’ ‘Registered course’ to ‘reg simulation’/ ‘lesson’ to ‘challenge’, ‘quiz’ to ‘Challlenge me’… Obviously the words appear at various points along the journey from registered courses through to quizzes embedded in a lesson.

    I’ve followed the instructions on the Learn Dash site using poedit.

    To give you an example I changed the NON-Quiz label from ‘start quiz’ to ‘start’ uploaded MO + PO to server – there was no difference. I replaced the orignal and tried the same thing in the QUIz based data – no difference.
    Does social learner interfere with this process? Or, am I doing something else wrong (attached are the po/mo files)

    Thanks for you help on this one, I can’t really start until I figure this one out 🙂