
  • Milena replied to the topic Slider not showing. in the forum BuddyBoss 4.0 9 years, 7 months ago

    Hi @michael,

    since the update my slide styling changed. I had some custom css added, and my slides are 600 px high (change made in buddyboss-slides-loader.php in the child theme) but the position of the text- that was in the middle of the slides was not altered.

    Now the text is too high – and if I add a fixed top margin- to lower it- the ipad portrait view looks bad- loo low. ( MINIMUM width of 721 pixels (tablets+)- there is only one styling section for both of these views)

    I checked and with the previous version – the title and text of the slides moved relatively and stayed in the center of the landscape or portrait view on ipad.

    How do I center the text in the middle (top and bottom) of the page now with the new version?
