
  • Jamie started the topic Independent Join – Leave Button in the forum BuddyBoss 3.0 10 years, 1 month ago

    I will need this question to be done this week so if you can help that’d be great – if not I will try and do it myself (although I already did, but got a little lost, thought maybe you can do it easier than me)… That said, if you can create this option I think it will add value to include in future versions of BuddyBoss to be more like Facebook. Here is my request…

    Can you take the single group page and delete everything other than the ‘join group’ – ‘leave group’ button and put the member count before it, and then put it into a blank page (no menus or other html objects but keeping the style of the button)

    Perhaps this new page may be called /groups/<?php bp_group_name(); ?>/group-button.php – this way i can put it in an iframe that I can then put on any page I want, on any site I want.

    One further thing – if the user is not logged in there must be a link with the text ‘Login to join group’ next to the members count.