
  • @TJ Chester (Admin) Thank you, I am sorry, I saw the word buddyboss in all that code and thought it would be buddyboss, rather than buddypress…still learning, soooo much learning.

    @Rainer I tried that, putting it in the global section and clearly I did something wrong, because it did not work, which is why I posted to try to do it this way.

    This is what I did in custom.css global section:

    1.0 – Global Styles

    .just_an_example {
    color: black;


    I also tried to hide the rss feed tab on same page, but that did not work either.

    I tried the “disable rss” plug in too, and I contacted “disable feeds” plug in developer and he said it did not relate to bp, and he did not know anything about bp.

    So I still cannot hide or remove either the RSS or All Members from the Activity page.

    It seems odd that it is such work to allow members to truly control who sees their activity, and that the “all members” area gets cluttered up with who is now friends with who.

    I figured out how to stop people’s status updates from being made public, despite privacy settings offered by the BP Activity Privacy plug in, but that did not stop it from showing up on “All Members” either.

    Many thanks for your thoughts on what I am doing wrong or missing.

    I am using most recent versions of all 3 wp, bp and buddyboss.

    Thank you both very much
