
  • Hi,

    Not sure if this is a buddyboss thing or buddypress thing… total beginner here and feel like I am wallowing around in a big pile of yarn…

    so I just bought buddyboss about a week ago, and at same time installed wp & buddypress so all are current versions.

    In trying to get a private site for a private social group set up, I have added the following plug ins:

    BP Profile Search
    BP Remove Profile Links
    BuddyPress Activity Plus
    BuddyPress Activity Privacy

    So I have BP Acitivity Privacy set to give members 3 choices, My Friends, @mention and logged in users.

    I have 3 test profiles set up. None of the test profiles are friends with anyone else.

    I had 2 of the test profiles post a status update to their wall. The default setting for privacy is My Friends. So only My Friends should be able to see the wall post.

    However, when I go to the member directory page as one of the test profiles, I can see the other test profiles status updates, even though we are not friends and even though the privacy setting was set to my friends only.

    I actually do not want the members directory cluttered up with status updates.

    So I have 2 things going on:

    1. how do I get the privacy controls to work throughout the site – since others can see the posts on members page, the plug in is not working for me.

    2. how can I have the members directory show basic info about the member – like basic info from their profile? I currently have optional fields for relationship status, living near and about me. I would like it if the members page showed avatar, and basic info (if the user had it set to share with all other members) but not last active or any status updates at all, no photos or anything like that.

    Gosh I hope that makes sense. It just seems like it takes a zillion different little things to get a site set up with what seems like basic privacy options, but what do I know about this stuff… apparently it is much more complicated than I would have thought!

    many thanks to all of you who have worked to create and improve this stuff and for those of you willing to help the bewildered beginners!