
  • Burak Birer started the topic Best Plugins for a Real Social Network to use with BuddyBoss in the forum BuddyBoss Theme 10 years, 9 months ago

    1. Activity Privacy – Download

    BP Activity Privacy add the ability for members to choose who can read his activity before it posted !

    Not Compatible with BuddyBoss V3 Beta. Connot post Buddyboss photos when plugin enabled.

    2. Buddypress Live Notification – Download

    BuddyPress Live Notification plugins adds a facebook like notification system for your BuddyPress based social network. It shows the new notifications to the user in real time just like facebook does.

    Seems to be compatible with BuddyBoss V3 Beta except a small mobile layout css issue.

    3. BuddyPress Activity Comment Notifier – Download

    BuddyPress Activity Comment Notifier plugin emulates the facebook style notification for the comments made on user updates. It will show the notification to a user in following scenario;

    – When a user has an update and someone else comments on it
    – When a user comments on someone’s update and other users also comment on that update, all the users are notified

    4. Buddypress Facebook Like Friends Chat (Found some but none were working) Hope to see buddyboss has some.

    5. BuddyPress Block Activity Stream Types – Download

    This plugin will “block” an activity record from being saved to the stream/database. Such as new member registration, joining groups, friendships created.

    Seems to be working nice and easy. I am not sure if there are any problems with some other plugins.

    6. Live Activity Stream Updates (Just another dream)

    7. BuddyPress Activity Stream Hashtags – Download
    This plugin will convert #hashtags references to a link (activity search page) posted to the activity stream

    Works on the same filters as the @atusername mention filter (see Extra Configuration if you want to enable this on blog/comments activity) – this will convert anything with a leading #

    Needs to be improved; needs a “trending topics widget”

    8. BuddyPress Private Messages for Friends Only – Download

    This plugin only allows friends and site administrators to send private messages. Thus, acting as another deterrent from illegitimate users.

    Once working nice, my members told me that they cannot message to their friends. Needs update. And also should be avalaible as an option in buddyboss V3.

    And what buddyboss needs to be the ultimate theme on the market. (I always say that we would like to pay more than 40$ for a real social theme) Well i cannot pay 10,000 USD but if we’re going to have a better buddyboss i am sure everyone is willing to pay more. Buddyboss mobile features and the mobile design are great! But i think we are still in the need more social functionality.

    – BP 1.8 gives a great opportunity. Faster, more reliable and more scaleable.
    – There are many nonsense plugins on the market. Even some of the premium ones are piece of shit. I don’t understand why would my members would need some extended group bullshit while they cannot get a single, simple, easy notification of a reply or comment. A social network is made of notifications. If we cannot send notifications to members, everything else is garbage! Yeah i know buddypress mails 🙂 Who wants social notifications in their mails? So the great designs makes no extra members! Members have simple needs. First is first.
    – All social platforms deletes the uploaded photos and creates a resized one with a randomized file name! Compatible with the design. We still have to keep the original photos! At buddypress we are not trying to have bloggers or portfolios. WordPress can already do hi-res portfolios. Buddyboss should create it’s own versions of photos and delete the original uploads automatically. I know it’s not that hard.
    – A social network is based on the trends. If you don’t have reshare, share count, and hashtags that means you have a badly designed blog and some bloggers. Be sure no one will go on using your site. This is the situation we are in… Sharing posts is a must for buddyboss if we’re going to tell it the ultimate one. There is already a plugin called ReShare but not working fully with buddyboss photos.
    – I love buddyboss but i hate that the plugins that a social network needs won’t work with bb photos or bb wall functions. Or worse problems.
    – I know you don’t have to make plugins or you may not distribute an edited plugin developed by another developer. But we need full compatiblity or all in one distribution of buddyboss with these options.

    People ask for videos and other things but i still say; while you cannot send a simple realtime notification and or you have privacy issue what are you going to do with a video extension? 😀

    I trust @michael and @tjchester will create the ultimate one.

    Let our members share, get notified for new comments and or replies, have some privacy then we can talk about the designs and other things…

    Thanks for reading.
    PS: Sell us the greater, better, complete, ultimate new version at least 100$!. Even more… You’ll see that we all need a complete working solution!