
  • Burak Birer replied to the topic BuddyPress Activity Privacy Plugin in the forum BuddyBoss Theme 10 years, 9 months ago

    @michael & @tjchester Buddypress 1.8 is out and we’re waiting for the Buddyboss V3

    Infact i am moving to a new dedicated server for buddyboss v3. At the moment i am even ready to use the beta3 for a while as i need to move to new server.

    Will we be able to have activity privacy plugin work with buddyboss?

    I saw something like this for activity plus integration.I don’t know if it would be hard to integrate to buddyboss photo extension.

    // Fix/Integration of BP Activity Privacy with Buddypress Activity Plus

    if( function_exists('bpfb_plugin_init') ) {

    add_action( 'wp_footer', 'bp_activity_privacy_fix_bp_activity_plus' );
    function bp_activity_privacy_fix_bp_activity_plus() {
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {

    $form = $("#whats-new-form");
    $text = $form.find('textarea[name="whats-new"]');

    //remove event handler previously attached to #bpfb_submit
    $("#bpfb_submit").die( "click" );
    $(document).delegate("#bpfb_submit", 'click', function (event) {
    var params = _bpfbActiveHandler.get();
    var group_id = $('#whats-new-post-in').length ? $('#whats-new-post-in').val() : 0;

    $.post(ajaxurl, {
    "action": "bpfb_update_activity_contents",
    "data": params,
    // add visibility level to the ajax post
    "visibility" : $("select#activity-privacy").val(),
    "content": $text.val(),
    "group_id": group_id
    }, function (data) {
    * Handle image scaling in previews.
    $(".bpfb_final_link img").each(function () {

    //reset the privacy selection
    $("select#activity-privacy option[selected]").prop('selected', true);


    We really want to start using buddyboss 3! 🙂